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Showing posts from October, 2017

Creativity and New Media

A very popular form of new media fostering creativity, is the internet creating challenges that people across the world participate in. Social media stars, celebrities, are all commonly known to be spreading such viral trends which become challenges that their viewers or fans participate in. Dance challenges are quite prominently shared in social media, with the simple addition of a hashtag and the name of the challenge on your post, allows you to view and connect with other people who are also participating in these internet challenges. We're allowed to be creative to our own personal extents with these online challenges, as everyone has a unique twist to the challenge, but is still relevant to the purpose of the challenge, whether it's for a good cause like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, or even a dance challenge. People do get recognized by these challenges, whether it's by the community or your favorite star or celebrity, reposting, retweeting, sharing on Facebook. I fi

HW Creativity

New Media fosters creativity, because of the various ways that you can communicate across the platforms and new technology interfaces we have today. Today's world has become quite technologically savvy, as we're able to successfully utilize the new media we possess in communicating across the world. With such capabilities in communication like this, anyone and everyone can pitch ideas and be as creative as possible which is the beauty of being in a digital era. In fact, a lot of technology companies are supposedly "relying others to innovate for them," as mentioned in the "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From its Followers" article. Claire Miller also states in the article how influential people are due to the power of the internet, as people are exchanging ideas at high rates, and with computing tools at our availability, allows people to create new products inexpensively. Twitter was described as being heavily "user-generated innovation" throughout the

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Different ways that virtual worlds can be used are for business and entertainment purposes. Entering this digital world, especially in the field of business, allows people to isolate themselves in a way that you're still connected, but have your own space where you can represent yourself through your virtual avatars. Jacki Morie, a virtual world designer, states that the next generation of web browsers are going to be "fully 3D enabled." In the "After Second Life, can Virtual worlds get a reboot" article, Morie displays her confidence that there is an opportunity for business, where virtual worlds are accessible via the web browser instead of a program. Business will be more commonly conducted over the virtual worlds, as we've already been accustomed to our usage of smart phones and tablets to conduct our interactions. This can be considered a pro because this virtual world of business will redefine the idea of communication, and it can really elevate one&

Blog about Twitter

My personal opinion on twitter vs blackboard discussion board, is that I'd prefer utilizing our blackboard discussion board. I feel with twitter, it's all over the place, and it's tough to reply to specific people, or create threads. With blackboard discussion, it's more straightforward, although you don't received updated notifications like you would with Twitter. Twitter is interesting, but can be tricky at times when using. Twitter discussion involves like the whole world, whereas blackboard discussion would be more intimate and consist of your peers. Twitter discussions typically can be all over the place, and can be hard to keep up with depending on the actions being taken on a particular tweet. People can retweet, like, reply, and there's a whole lot to do, but I'd rather keep it smaller and be able to relate to an online discussion board like blackboard's. An in-class discussion is obviously much different, because you're getting that face to

Blog: Social networking sites

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin are four notable social networking sites that I’m familiar with and for the most part use on a daily basis. The impressions I have of each respective social networking sites are all different, because each social networking site evokes a different interface to me personally. I tend to use Instagram a lot, simply because it’s one of the easiest social networking sites to use, and it’s a matter of just swiping downwards to see what new posts that your friends and notable people that you follow, post. Instagram connects you to more strangers and other pages that may spark your interest, so I find Instagram to be more personal and more entertaining out of the four social networking sites. Facebook is easy to communicate with people you generally know, whether it’s with your family or your own peers, it’s quite easy to see what they are posting and what they like on Facebook that might interest you. Facebook is a bit more intimate, in terms of th

Blog Social Networking

Technologies can be used in corporate ways by potentially hiring job candidates as mentioned in, “Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting.” Frank Langfitt covers in the article that professional recruiters utilize Social Networking technology in the hiring process, for example Maureen Crawford-Hentz recruits for Osram Sylvania, the global lighting company. Maureen says she uses sites such as Linkedin to be able to locate “high-quality candidates,” and in fact she managed to hire someone in a position she was searching for simply reaching out on Linkedin and already being informed about the individual’s background. The simplicity and ease of hiring is all due to social networking sites. Social networking sites like Linkedin allow people to increase their network of contacts exponentially and allows recruiters to be able to find the talent they need instantly. This is quite impactful for society, as it allows people to stay more connected as well as make the process for them

BLOG: Blog v Wiki

Blogs and Wikis both utilize the internet in communicating information that is continually updated. Both Blogs and Wikis communicate their respective information to many people. Although, both Wiki and Blogs perform similar functions when describing it's basic function of communicating information, they differ in the way their content is utilized and how the sharing of information is performed. Wiki is generally a collaborative web page, where multiple users are able to edit and update information, whereas a Blog is typically possessed by one individual who is most probably the main author who posts information and comments back to the users that may view his/her blog. In Margaret Locher's article, "More on How to Build Your Own Wikipedia," she mentions how the VP of application development with information technology vendor EMC, selects wiki when organizing their information. Wiki is defined as being "a software application that allows groups of users to creat