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Blog Social Networking

Technologies can be used in corporate ways by potentially hiring job candidates as mentioned in, “Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting.” Frank Langfitt covers in the article that professional recruiters utilize Social Networking technology in the hiring process, for example Maureen Crawford-Hentz recruits for Osram Sylvania, the global lighting company. Maureen says she uses sites such as Linkedin to be able to locate “high-quality candidates,” and in fact she managed to hire someone in a position she was searching for simply reaching out on Linkedin and already being informed about the individual’s background. The simplicity and ease of hiring is all due to social networking sites. Social networking sites like Linkedin allow people to increase their network of contacts exponentially and allows recruiters to be able to find the talent they need instantly. This is quite impactful for society, as it allows people to stay more connected as well as make the process for themselves a lot easier when in search for jobs. People have a better chance of being recognized through their social networking profiles allowing recruiters to be able to develop a relationship faster and to be instantly reach out to you. Social networking technologies increases job opportunities which is a great benefit for society. The possibilities are endless with technologies like this that are introduced to society. With social media and networking sites, it allows people to appeal to a large population, it helps in creating a reputation for themselves and allows them to be able to sought out help or inquiries to the world. 
Although there are benefits to the technologies that can be used, there are some dark sides of it that make technology harmful for society. Although we are so heavily connected through our social networking sites, there are some flaws to such heavy usage of this type of technology. The intimacy of relationships/friendships can be lost in the heavy usage of technology. The Pew Research Center discovered that half of American teenagers send about 50 or more text messages a day and that one third send more than 100 a day. What’s even more alarming from this article, “Antisocial Networking” was the statistical finding that only 33% that were surveyed, reported that they talk to their friends face-to-face on a daily basis. As Hilarly Stout mentions, there’s a growing concern over how children communicate and interact with their peers. Stout’s article includes a statement by Jeffrey Parker, an associate professor of psychology at University of Albama, who said, “… technology is affecting the closeness properties of friendship.” It’s quite disturbing to realize how much technology has changed in the recent generations, as it creates a new way for kids to communicate. But I think it’s just a change of time, technology is more used for convenience than simply the negative connotations we have perceived in this article.
Overall I feel as though technology will get more advance, and we will be more connected through the internet and all these media applications. The virtual community will constantly grow, as we will be more connected than ever with the whole world. Technology is only going to grow more bigger and advanced in the coming years. We may be looking at potentially creating legitimate virtual versions of ourselves when exploring the web. The possibilities are endless, and who knows one day we may be very much controlling our whole lives with just a click of a button. Virtual interviews, virtual conferences, virtual events, all that will be far more advanced than we can imagine. 


  1. Hi Rahiq I have experience Social Networking employment recruitment numerous times. Many times I have gotten a job and found out afterward it was because the hiring party had searched my name and saw my social networking such as Facebook. It is a great tool and I do see a great future in the benefits of social networking.


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