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Showing posts from November, 2017

Blog: Next New

A new media that currently doesn't exist is holographic communication systems or applications. We've ventured into technology that is now capable of printing 3D Models, but have yet to create an interface that can project holograms on devices like cellphones and laptops. A technology like a Hologram can be the new way of people interacting with one another, and once such a thing is commercialized we can see a great change in how people will interact. We currently have new media like Facetime or videochats/or video calls, but "Hologram calls" will change the way we interact for the better. Being able to interact with a hologram, allows people to be able to virtually see who they are talking to and gives a 3D and realistic experience like no other form of new media we have ever seen. Commercializing hologram will forever change how we interact with one another almost making our calls to others a dull form of communication, but rather making our calls come to life and m

Blog: Wiki So Far

Currently I have not added any content as of yet, but what I do intend to add to the Class Wiki page(s) are: Update some of the content in the YouTube page in the Class Wiki, talking about more up and coming YouTubers who have impacted the community as well as changed the social media game for years to come. I'll also include another prominent YouTube channel like Complex into the YouTube page of our class wiki. I'll be explaining the significance of these more recent YouTube channels while updating that page in our class wiki.  I will also incorporate more information on the Social Networking page, and delving into the "Live" features of social networking sites or apps such as "Facebook Live" or "Instagram Live." With my research I will explain more about what Live Streaming is, and how it is the future of social media. I will also look over the content in our Class Wiki, and attempt to edit and fix the content on these pages looking to eith

Blog: P2P

File sharing is a process where data can be allocated across a network for user to user who has privilege to access the content that is being shared. File sharing is best known for being able to distribute content between "peer to peer" as phrased by the writer of the article, "Content Producers should take advantage of P2P, not fear it." This follows up with another definitive New Media term, "P2P," file sharing as stated earlier stands for "Peer to Peer." P2P file sharing is very significant as it is capable to cater to big audiences. In the article, it displays how influential P2P file sharing is. An example of P2P file sharing was demonstrated in the article where it was stated that P2P file sharing, "... played a part in bringing people into the massive swarm of sharers that has helped us reach more than 2m downloads and an estimated 3m viewers in the 18 months since the film's release." The documentary, "Steal This Film-

Blog: Privacy

With new media, there are always new arising challenges for our privacy. With the world becoming more transparent due to our obsession with social media and our constant sharing and double tapping, it has made it far too easy to be able to know what a person is doing. Daniel Reed wrote an article titled, "Information Privacy: Changing Norms and Expectations" where he talks about the "evolving notions of electronic information privacy." In that article Reed mentions how challenging privacy issues have become with new media. Along with these challenges, we are presented with very vague terms of agreement documents that we check off when using social media as mentioned by Reed. The options we are presented with by using social media makes it very confusing for users, as the privacy specifications are not easy to understand. With social media, information spreads fast and can double. Friends within your circle can like a post, but it can circulate across the internet f

Blog: Advice

If I was hired by Baruch to use new media to improve the College, I would suggest that we utilize Social Media more effectively and make it school-appropriate. I believe the familiarity with social media should be a plus point for all college students, and if there is a way we can all be connected more efficiently it should be through social media. I believe it makes it easier to connect with our peers, as we will have the domain to further make connections and familiarize ourselves with classmates and other students within Baruch College. Also with implementing the use of social media, it allows easy access for being able to share Baruch related events across each student's timelines and news feeds. Social Media can help coordinate a lot of student events for Baruch and can significantly increase the student involvement at this college. Social Media is able to quickly draw attention to people with alerts and shares by others. I believe this can help create a great social environm