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Blog: Social networking sites

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin are four notable social networking sites that I’m familiar with and for the most part use on a daily basis. The impressions I have of each respective social networking sites are all different, because each social networking site evokes a different interface to me personally. I tend to use Instagram a lot, simply because it’s one of the easiest social networking sites to use, and it’s a matter of just swiping downwards to see what new posts that your friends and notable people that you follow, post. Instagram connects you to more strangers and other pages that may spark your interest, so I find Instagram to be more personal and more entertaining out of the four social networking sites. Facebook is easy to communicate with people you generally know, whether it’s with your family or your own peers, it’s quite easy to see what they are posting and what they like on Facebook that might interest you. Facebook is a bit more intimate, in terms of the people you add onto your friends list, as you get to see stuff they choose to post revealing a lot of what events they are participating in and etc. Then there’s twitter, twitter is starting to look more like Facebook and has basically the same concept behind it. Twitter allows people to “tweet” about things they finding concerning or relevant to their respect accounts. Our own President tends to use Twitter for his “presidential purpose” and it’s a way to keep people updated on any situation with a brief little commentary. Twitter and Facebook resemble each other quite a lot in terms of the content that’s being posted within their sites. As for LinkedIn, I find it quite parallel to Facebook, although the great thing about LinkedIn, is that it’s solely based on career and job postings rather than other nonsense. On LinkedIn we get to follow people, but typically what’s posted is stuff that helps with people’s respective careers. LinkedIn out of all the social networking sites that I mentioned, has one of the more concentrated content(s) involved within their website. LinkedIn helps people find jobs, learn more about companies, and gets you connected to coworkers, clients, mentors, etc. Overall all these social networking sites have their own unique way of connecting people, and despite having differences in how or why the networking site is used, they ultimately perform the same ultimate function which is allowing people to communicate quickly and stay connected. 


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